Archive for May 1, 2010

I mentioned this already in the translation yesterday, but I wanted to make it a make it visible not only for those who read translations of internet memes. Oejelu (and ‘oejelu) does not only mean ‘beautiful’ (which is a mostly visual and probably also auditory term), but in general pleasant to any sense. It does also share the idea of abstract beauty. An elegant mathematical proof or an elegant algorithm can ‘oejelu as well as they can be beautiful. The derivations are perfectly regular.

Maybe it is time to introduce another concept: intentional holes in the vocabulary. These are things, where rejistanian has no word for. They exist in natlangs as well. The English lack kandidieren and unabsteigbar, the Germans lack cherish and frown. One of the holes, which rejistanian has is a lack of a word for art. This specific hole exists because I think that art has been defined so broadly that everything and nothing is art by now. Unless there is a specific definition which can be agreed on by 2 persons, I can’t even think of the word art (or Kunst) well enough to rejistanize it. So what would you do when attempting to translate the word art? Think of what you mean at this specific moment and say that.

Example: Jada’het jilih mi’oejelu. (song this 3S-beautiful)

Without further ado: here is the last stanza.

Han’il, tes’il xe.
onwards-IMP2S, away_from-IMP2S 1S.
Go ahead [and] leave me.

Xe’lanja’kaska ‘kelda namin.
1S-SUBJ1-prefer (INF)remain here.
I prefer to remain here / I think I prefer to stay inside.

Il’lanjamesit’hax hariri’he’ny.
2S-SUBJ4-find helper
You might find a helper / Maybe you’ll find someone else To help you

Lekmesa lanja.
Black_mesa maybe.
Maybe Black Mesa

Xe’xikini ,hehe, kita.
1S-joke ,haha, never(FUT).
This was a joke, haha, never / fat chance.

Isuxeku’het jilih mi’oki’oejelu.
Cake this 3S-CERT-beautiful.
The cake is a pleasure to the senses* / Anyway this cake is great It’s so delicious and moist

Xe’ena’ta ‘naknak ,ekeki mi’kilan, jet.
1S-require-NEG (INF)chat ,science 3S-wait, TEMP
I do not have to talk while science waits. / Look at me still talking when there’s science to do

Xe’ki’oki’isin ,xe’aru’ta il, het.
1S-FUT-CERT-be_happy ,1S-be-NEG you, this.
I will surely be happy that I am not you / When I look out there It makes me glad I’m not you

Xe’ki’va tesi’han. Xe’sikire ki’tan
1S-FUT-make test-ALL. 1S-develop knowledge
I will work towards tests. I will develop knowledge / I’ve experiments to be run There is research to be done

hej’ny’sy ,min’sanja kimda, het.
people-PL-INSTR ,3PL-live still, this.
using the people who are still alive. / On the people who are Still alive.

Mesu’il ,xe’sanja kimda, het.
See-IMP2S ,1S-live still, this.
See that I am still alive / And believe me, I am still alive.

Xe’sikire ,xe’sanja kimda, jet.
1S-develop ,1S-live still, TEMP
I will develop [something] while still being alive. / I’m doing science and I’m still alive

Xe’isin ,xe’sanja kimda, jet.
1S-be_happy ,1S-live still, during
I am happy while still being alive / I feel FANTASTIC and I’m still alive

Il’ixunus ,xe’sanja kimda, jet.
2S-die ,1S-live still, TEMP
you [will] die while I am still being alive. / And while you’re dying I’ll be still alive

Il’elu’ta / ,xe’sanja kimda, jet. / 2x
2S-be_named-NEG ,1S-live still, during.
Your name will have been called for the last time while I am still alive, while I am still alive. / And when you’re dead I will be still alive, still alive, still alive.

* ‘Beautiful’ has a strong visual connotation in English. In Rejistanian, oejelu (and ‘oejelu) can also refer to well-tasing food, well-smelling perfumes, good music and pleasant textures.