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Could you recommend something good to eat?: Il’mesit’ma ‘ki ovik’het veka su?

Could you recommend a good hotel?: Il’mesit’ma ‘ki hotelu’het kadani su? (the word hotel is a loan from English, Kadani means sufficient, of course this has the disadvantage of people misunderstanding you and explaining to you how to get to a vijeti (very low standard and budget accommodation), but hey, that is a risk you take)

Could you recommend a good doctor?: Il’mesit’ma ‘ki sotoi’he kivsi su?

That was a lovely meal. What was it?: Ovik’het jilih mi’la’mehde oejelu. Mi’la’aru sunjet?

How much do we owe you for the meal?: Eha’het’mi lerat ovik’het’xen jilih mi’aru sunjet? (what is the price of our meal?)

How much do we owe you for the room?: Eha’het’mi lerat yunad’het(‘ny)’xen jilih mi’aru sunjet? (what is the price of our night(s)?)

How much do we owe you for the things we broke?: Xen’ni ‘ohixima il(n) het’ny’tes ,xen’la’hakela’ta ‘ykasi, het eha’het sunjet? (which value must we compensate you(plural) for the things we accidentally destroyed.)

How much did you say it cost again?: Il’la’visko eha’het sunjet? (you said which value?)

You are joking, aren’t you?: Il’xikini su?

I am sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you: Viije, demna’het’xe mi’oki’anik, xe’hakela’ta ‘rantu il’ja.

Our customs are very different from yours: Kademi’tan’ny’xen min’telan al kademi’tan’ny’iln’tes.

I don’t know anything about local politics, I’m afraid: Viije, xe’ki’ta kovomin’tan namin.

Our guide did not tell us that there was a (revolution)[war]{soccer[football] championship} going on in this country: Nika’he’xen mi’la’demu’ta ,(ielkaju’het)[kyus’het]{xamjona’het sekhika} mi’kidhi tani’het’ra jilih, het.

Thank you for your hospitality. We enjoyed our visit very much, but now we must be going home because we have many important things to do there: Texeki namda’tan’il(n)’han. Xen’la’sek neteva’het al ,xan’ni ‘isa ‘myju’han ,xen’rala’ena ‘va halen’het’ny, lijas, venil.

I found this gem on another conlang site and thought I can join in.

Hello: Hejida
(This word actually exists on all levels of formality. From the colloquial -jida to the very formal hejida tahoj)

How are you?: Iti’il mi’aru sunreja? (literally: what is your state?)

My name is…: Xe’elu… (I am called…)

What is your name: Il’elu sunreja?

I am lost: Xe’ki’ta ladja’het (I don’t know my path)

Where am I?: Xe’aru sunra?

Where is the bathroom?: Himenju’het kivetu mi’aru sunra?

Where is my luggage?: Doky’tan’xe mi’aru sunra?

Where is the tourist center?: Nimedi’het neteva mi’aru sunra?

Where is the embassy?: Lentine’het’min kovomin’het’ny komanu mi’aru sunra? (representation of foreign governments is where?)

I am sorry: Viije (or if you are really, really sorry: demna’xe mi’oki’anik)

Please: (not really indicated by a word, but by grammar)

Thank you: texeki.

Help: Hariri’iln!

I don’t speak rejistanian very well: Xe’ma’ta ‘visko veka al rejistaniha.

I don’t understand: Xe’hadada’ta.

Speak more slowly: Il’lanja’visko sama alna.

It was my husband’s/wife’s idea to go here on vacation: Kenvasina’he’xe mi’la’tari ‘limesu ‘neteva namin neteva’het’xen.

Could you recommend a good restaurant?: Il’mesit’ma ‘ki lixama’het dary su?

more in the next installment…

A new attempt at blogging


since I recently cannot really work on the blog recently because other things distract me, I have an idea to continue. I will take a meme on a site like and translate them into rejistanian. Since I currently spend so much time on these sites, it will maybe keep me on working on it.

Kansa’he’ny kaletri Iln’lanjamesit’ma ‘kate ,xe’ma ‘duxu dakin’het’ny’han’min hej’ny rete’sy evix, het.

What is it referring to? THIS!

What is interesting here is that the rejistanis would use a polytheistic form. Rejistania is a place with a polytheistic religious majority. Thus it is kinda assumed that you are a polytheist just as people in Ireland will probably assume that you are a monotheist if you made no stance either way.

I could not translate TCP/IP yet so I currently just used rete for network.

Plothole: ykija’het demu

A plot hole is a hole (ykija’het) in a tale (demu).

I am fighting a big one at the moment. Not to mention that work is rather tiring at the moment. Thus only a small update today: There is a weird inside joke with my significant other, a small song which we use if something is vaporware. And on the way to work I suddenly thought of a rejistanian translation of that one. Can you see what the original meaning is?

HURD’xen mi’aru dary.
Mi’juku sistenha’het’sy.
Mi’linux altenany.
HURD’xen mi’aru dary.

LoCoWriMo Day 2

Kansu mi’isa enju’tes minas. Olsadi’he’ny’mi ji jesten’he’ny’mi ji ysu’he’ny’mi min’unidu kimda ji min’lanja’tekneluru veka alnany Kansu. Mi’ki’ta ,mi’ma’isa, ra ,mi’itera ‘isa, venil. Jvenu’het’ny’mi min’disde ladja’het yjik’het’ny’ra halek ikis ji luka ji sinit. Jinhes kali mi’inta ,heta’naxah minas’jet jilih, het. Kansu mi’mesu’ta yjik’het’ny. Mi’mesu sinutera’het’ny’mi’han. Mi’itera ‘sinu ji ‘asav ji ‘rala’yly ji ‘sanja jusituru’het. Mi’sikeva ‘xitak jyxe’het’ny’mi ,mi’vana’ta ‘sil, lija. Mi’mesu ,mi’sidekhir eranakali’het Xeseja Su, het. Mi’telui’ta ,mi’kaska ra’het jilih, lija. Mi’la’sikeva ‘isa sike’han ,mi’la’nuvan, la. Kansu mi’nuvan aji. Mi’imji xedaxatsa’het’ra ji mi’mesu hesal’het ji sudisudi’het’ny. Min’ki ra’het’min ji myju’het’min. Min’nuvan’ta. Demna’het’mi mi’vasu sinit ,Kansu mi’tari ‘lija ‘dekesa ehral mje’het, lija. Mi’ni ‘hanluru dimis’tan vi mi’ki’vasu ojyu. Mi’kesi lejen’het idira. Lejen’het mi’inta vijit ji derek. Lejen’het’ny vinik min’rala’seve lejen’het’han demna lama’he’ny’sy exkola javene. Kansu mi’jula tuhul lejen’het. Jatni mje’het mi’xasy elu’het’mi {Rejavisko’het’mi leji’tan -mi’rala’visiri Elis Marukimi’sy}. Kansu mi’nai’ta Elis. Elis mi’la’aru kemeva’he’mi ,mi’la’dekesa asty’het al lystas uljija musin’ta, venil. Mi’la’sanja doa al. Mi’la’ytin netju’ta ji itera oyku’tan ji esaku’het ji myju’het. Mi’la’enju nanti’het’ny’ra hakim. Olsadi’he’ny min’la’demu ,mi’la’vasu ojyu, het. Kansu mi’ma’ta ‘koleni ,Elis mi’la’dimil lejen’het jilih hidaxu’het’sy kisin ji njinji’het’ny, het. Kansu mi’la’xitri lejen’het’ra. Lejen’het hakim mi’la’dimil hidaxu’het’sy kisin ji dimil’tan mi’oejelu ji mi’salan ji mi’tuhul. Hyji’het’ny vared mi’la’aru’ta. Kansu mi’tari ‘ameri jilih. Rejavisko’het visiri mi’la’inta doa. Mi’rala’dimil rejadimil’tan’sy jusa. Mi’la’seve ltekxer’het’ny ji aojenu’het’ny telan al. Kansu mi’letena ‘ameri lejen’het.

Kansu leaves the house in the morning. Ens parents and older siblings and younger siblings still sleep and probably dream better than Kansu. En does not know where to to (where he goes) but he continues. His Legs decide the path through the small, curved and empty streets. Jinhes city seemed to be deserted (appeared as if no one is awake) during this morning. Kansu does not see the roads. En sees his shoes. En continues to walk (make steps), to think, to be scared and to feel doom. En regularly closes his eyes because he does not want to cry. En sees that en reaches the Xeseja Su park. En is not surprised because en likes this place. En went there often when he was sad. En sits down and looks to the lake and the ducks. They know their place and their home. They are not sad. Because en is becoming hungry (ens stomach is becoming empty), en starts to devour (cause to disappear) the first fruit. En must distract enself or en is going (becoming) crazy. He examines the bee book. Similar books are used as diaries by primary school children. Kansu opens the book carefully. The first page contains the title (name): Language of Truth described by Elis Marukimi. Elis was his fathers mother but she disappeared a few years ago for an unknown reason. She lived a very strange live. She moved job and employment and home not seldom. She lived in all nantis. The Parents told that she became crazy. Kansu browses through the book. The writing was beautiful, big and careful. There was no striked out mistake. It is written in the Latin (American) alphabet. It uses many different consonants and vowels. Kansu concentrated on reading the book.

Some comments about Day two:
* Save tonight, actually: save right now!!
* a lot of new words were created (including the one of break xeda’het, which was not used)
* Rejistanian sometimes can be quite compact as soon as you do not translating from something but writing something and translate back to English

It’s been a while

Sorry, but when my computer broke down, I felt as if I was unable to update the blog. At work (after work when off the clock of course, I do not advocate blogging during work), I lacked the calm (and the text editor joe), at home, I lacked, well, a computer which is, well, usable (anything running Windows CE does not count). But now on my new computer (a Mac Mini), I will try to blog more frequently again!

Kansu Marukimi mi’la’unidu sejil. Mi’la’vana’ta ‘naxah. Mi’vana’ta ‘sanja sijah’jet. Sijiv’het sijah mi’ki’aru sijiv’het lune ,mi’ma ‘sanja sidin’het’mi, ki. Mi’ki’ta ,mi’ma’isa, sunjan. Sidin’het mi’kaska’ta aru’tan’mi ,mi’la’mutan ,mi’ma’ta ‘asavleji kansa’he’ny, het, lajitax. Mi’vastas doky’het tisek ji jaku ji salan. Mi’lil’ta het’ny al. Mi’save tisa’het’ny ji sinutera’het’ny ji sdiditu’het’ny ,mi’rala’lil olsadi’het’ny’mi, het. Mi’ranhi’ta seve’het’ny hame. Mi’ma’ta ‘hax tevme’het tisa ji derek ji rakax. Mi’vana’ta ‘lija ,tevme’het mi’kelda namin, het. Kansu mi’eke hurina’het’ny’ra hakim ,idira’het mi’ma’ta ‘mesu vi ‘jdunu vi ‘xuryk, venil. Kansu mi’ykija ninak’tan. Mi’lanja’eke ji mi’oki’hax idira’het ,ninak’tan kadani mi’lanja’aru, nka. Mi’hax lejen’het ,minhit’het’mi mi’nika idira’het, jilih. Mi’vana’ta lejen’het idira ,mi’kaska tevme’het idira, jilih ,mi’doky lejen’het, venil. Jilih mi’veka alna nilhet.

Kansu Marukimi (literally: brown white) has slept badly. En did not want to wake up. En does not want to experience (live during) this day. Today will be the last day on which en can live with ens family. En does not know where en can go. The family dislikes en’s existance after en said that en cannot believe in the gods. En packs (prepares) a big, stable bag made of cloth. En does not have many things. En takes clothes, shoes and the pomegranades of ens parents. En does not forget washing stuff. En cannot find ens old but loved plushed animal. En does not want to leave it here (literally: to cause it to remain here). Kansu searches in all wardrobes but the bee cannot be seen, felt or smelled. Kansu lacks the time. En would search and surely find the bee if there was sufficient time. En does not want a bee book but a bee animal but takes it despite that. It is better than nothing.

naisikire’het: conference

Example: Hejida Naisikire’ra mji’het Rejavisko vinesju!
Welcome at LCC4!

‘nai means to meet and ‘sikire means to develop. Since the general terms for teaching and learning require a learned and a teacher this spirit of improvement as a community could not really be expressed by them. Thus the term for ‘to improve’ or ‘to develop’ had to step in.

Since I am both exhausted and still wired from the day, some thoughts in no particular order:
* It was amazing that Fenhl could make it there. I spend so much time with him on #conlang that it was strange to meet him in person
* Sylvia Sotomayor is beautiful and very, very intelligent. We talked a lot and she was very insightful
* Maybe I should learn Olesi. It sounded quite impressive when pronounced.
* The talk about verb control and the Dothraki talk made it far too clear that I have to document better how the cases are used in Rejistanian.
* the use of tpp for presentations leads to comments like this on the #lcc4 IRC channel:

guitarplayer: have you seen the text effects? 😉
guitarplayer: I wouldn’t have expected that was possible in Terminal
pne: guitarplayer: probably curses

(pne, you are of course right.)

* My laptop needs a new battery as this one is really unreliable! At least it made it through the entire presentation and only shut doen the box later…
* It was amazing to meet the people from the mailinglist.
* I still have to stiffle a laugh when iSharia #isharia is mentioned
* In a work of fiction, you should not italicize conlang terms
* If you think you are cool, remember that you are most likely not named after a pricess of an interplanetary empire, unlike some people (I still think Lykara’s parents win at life for that – and Lykara of course)
* I still need time to digest everything I learned…

{Dorikansa’il ixtehji’het} ji {duxu’il vitil’het’sy} ji {vimsikansa’il Taderekansa’han} min’ma’ta ‘rala’limesu emikir’he’ny ines.

“Sacrifice a goat”, “hit is with a dull object” and “pray to Taderekansa” are not suggestions to be given to new techies (literally: are not ablle to be suggested to new techies).

I read that quote actually elsewhere, just with a different deity and thought it was too good to pass up. Sometimes in tech support you do get close to suggesting any of these suggestions. So far I could resist 😉

Dorikansa of course has the root ‘dori (to give) or dori’het (gift) and kansa (god). So sacrifice means to give a gift to the gods. It is not used secularly though students call doing boring, repetitive work as doriexkola’het (kansa was replaced by “exkola’he” teacher).

Sacrifices are still common but generally by now are only symbolic. Instead of giving up a real vudux, a wooden statue of the creature (a small deer) is burned. It happens for important celebrations, both personal and public. I will write about various festivities later.

Example: Erana’het mi’salan ji mi’veran.
(the forest is large and green)

You probably wonder why this word was chosen when I mentioned that I wanted to talk about a place of natural spirits in this posting. Well, the reason is: that word uses the same root as the word for forest. Erana’het is a forest and erana’tan is a place in the forest where natural spirits are said to dwell. These places mostly exist in the xentiran (ie: central) variants of the religion while the coastal variants prefer to worship the spirits in temples. However, even there, the concept of erana’tan prevails. Areas within large cities are not developped because they are owned by the temples and are said to be erana’tan’ny. Even atheists in Rejistania generally respect these areas (even though they don’t believe in their spiritual significance).