This is the 200th posting in this little piece of the internet. As such, here are some oddities: There were 272 legitimate comments including my comments on my posts, however, there were 291 spam comments. To change that, I suggest a chameless self-promotion thread: You blog about conlangs? Or you are a regular and blog about something else you consider interesting? Post here about it and it might find its way into my blogroll.

There were some odd search terms: conlang influenced by abstract math, most random rants, scroll writing elvish writting (I consider that one offensive given my stance on elves), english word for das herz (it means ‘the heart’ but why in Torvalds’ name didn’t you use‽), handwritten quenya (haven’t I mention that I HATE elves), extending toki pona (it is Toki Pona, extending it would be like making Esperanto irregular or adding a /g/ to rejistanian, the result would not be the original language)… then there were the previous weeks.

Other odd searches (from the previous weeks): immoral and illegal, can nature do something in vain?, qualify from group stage, words every conlang needs, what does sanja mean (I think sanja, ie life has no inherent meaning and is what we make of it…) and crazy word of the day (thanks google for that one…)

In all-time stats, nadit and semek are the most commonly searched for rejistanian words, followed by alatu, kanvali and lasane. I wonder what these people looked for…

And now something conlang related: I will from now on have various conlang related thoughts which do not fit into the idea of a daily rejistanian word at Constructing Language.